For Trade Only: #POTF2

A - Malakili (Rancor Keeper) Staff
B - Luke Skywalker (Speeder Bike) Lightsaber
C - Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber
D - Saelt-Marae (Yak Face) Staff - TRADED
E - Stormtrooper (CommTech) Rifle
F - Ponda Baba Rifle
G - Ponda Baba (Cinema Scene) Blaster
H - Dr. Evazan (Cinema Scene) Blaster
I - Blaster for: Lando Calrissian, AT-AT Driver, AT-ST Driver, Han Solo (DSE), Luke Skywalker (DSE), Escape the Death Star, Scanning Trooper
J - Yoda Cane
K - 2-1B (Internals)
L - Klaatu Left Leg
M - Lando Helmet (Skiff Disguise)
Im interested in a few as well. Great idea for a section and ill post up my stuff as well to see if you need anything
Nice! Definitely in need of some of these. I'll post pictures of what I have.