The Hasbro 2000 Pre-Toy Fair Catalog is a true treasure for collectors seeking rare glimpses into unreleased toys. This remarkable catalog gives an insider's look at the transition from Power of the Force to the Episode I toy lines, featuring never-before-seen preproduction photos of scrapped action figures and beasts. From early prototypes to canceled V2 CommTech designs, this catalog is packed with images that provide invaluable references for modern Star Wars collections. For toy historians and collectors alike, the Hasbro 2000 catalog offers an exciting portal into the secret development history of Star Wars toys.

This page features an early hand-made conceptual look at the unreleased second generation of CommTech chips.

This page boasts the release of a 12" Ody Mandrell with Pit Droid, Nute Gunray, Senator Palpatine and Otoga 222 Pit Droid . It also featured a 3.75" scale Obi-Wan with Skeeto beast assortment set. Neither of these were released for production.

Her is a rare glimpse of some unreleased MicroMachines playsets.