30th Anniversary Collection Unreleased Coins, 2007
In 2007, Hasbro released the "30th Anniversary Collection" and "Saga Legends" action figure. Many of the figures released in these lines included commemorative coins. Early prototypes of these coins reveal some significant design changes throughout the development process.
In this early example of #01 Darth Vader coin, you will notice that it includes additional label text on left and right of the coin. The glow-effect from Vader's lightsaber blade was modified and his overall character artwork is much larger, protruding into the title text.
Production Coin
Unreleased Coin
The back of the coin was originally designed to read "A New Hope". This was later changed to "Revenge of the Sith and the trademark text was moved to the end of the Star Wars logo.
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Fun Fact:
These early design coins were also used in the package development process and can be found on a number of surviving Engineering Pilots. Here is a Engineering Pilot of Luke Skywalker that includes an unreleased Stormtrooper McQuarrie concept coin.
Other Known Unreleased Coin Examples:
Luke Skywalker - McQuarrie Concept (Star Wars Celebration IV)
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Lightsaber blade size & shape
#03 Lava Miner
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Absence of figure designation number
Character artwork protrudes into title text
#05 Obi-Wan Kenobi
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Includes additional label text: "Aniv." and "Fig."
Character artwork protrudes into title text
#06 Mace Windu
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Includes additional label text: "Aniv." and "Fig."
Character artwork protrudes into title text
#08 Super Battle Droid
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Includes additional label text: "Aniv." and "Fig."
Character artwork protrudes into title text
#09 Stormtrooper - McQuarrie Concept
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Includes additional label text: "Aniv." and "Fig."
Absence of "McQuarrie" text
Episode I (Saga Legends)
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Character artwork is smaller
Year labels are positioned higher
Episode II (Saga Legends)
Unreleased Coin
Production Coin
Character artwork is smaller
Year labels are positioned higher
Do you own any unreleased 30th Anniversary Collection coins?
If so, please share them here in our forum.