Coruscant Guard (CommTech 2) Episode I, 2001

Hasbro originally planned on releasing the Coruscant Guard as part of the Episode I basic figure assortment. The figure was planned to include the second generation CommTech chip with "Twice the Speech". However, the CommTech chips were cancelled, and the figure was released as part of the Power of the Jedi series with a Force File insert.

Fun Fact:
Working prototype CommTech chips were developed for #53 Coruscant Guard.
CommTech V2 Proposed Speech:
"Chancellor Valorum, the starship from Naboo has entered our airspace."
"Security craft have been sent to escort the Queen's ship."
(Blaster fire short)
"Central control has confirmed that the flight path for the cruiser has been cleared."
"Chancellor, the guards are in position and the landing platform has been secured."

Play Sounds